to our department of pain management at Hassabo International Hospital, which is well-equipped and staffed as specialized pain center to ensure providing proper assessment and management. Our dedicated staff of pain specialists strives to ensure providing hope to people in pain for a healthier and more functioning tomorrow. Our commitment is to reduce your pain and increase your functional abilities.
Department Overview
What is a pain management specialist?
Healthcare providers specialize in pain management by having special training on the relief and management of pain. A pain management specialist should be board certified in pain medicine.
What is pain management?
Pain Management is a sub specialty in medicine that specializes in the medical therapeutic procedures which is concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and management of pain.
Among physicians, there are a number of types of physicians, who can specialize in delivering pain management services including physiatrists and anesthesiologists (both are certified and trained in providing interventional pain management), neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons (both are concerned with the spinal surgeries) and Neurologists who deal with the nervous system related conditions.
About Our Department

HIH Pain Management Department provides a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to pain management for patients with acute or chronic pain in a professional supportive, compassionate and patient centered environment. HIH multidisciplinary team of board certified and well-trained pain specialists are pioneers in providing interventional pain management programs. We recognize that each individual has its unique experience; therefore our programs are tailored to meet each patient’s particular needs.
When to see a physician
Pain is a complicated, often debilitating medical problem that can have profound effects on your physical and mental health; so it is recommended to seek medical advice, if you experience a disabling acute or chronic pain. Pain associated problems include:
- Fear-avoidance beliefs
- Depression
- Trauma
- Opioid dependence
- Being unemployed
- Financial stressors due to being out of work or unpaid medical bills
- Insomnia
- Easy Fatigability
- Poor concentration and short-term memory
- Stress-related health problems, such as headaches, reflux & indigestion, diarrhea, high blood pressure
- Inability to participate in family functions because of being in too much pain or because it would cause too much pain
- Being disabled and others not understanding
- Lack of daily structure & feeling aimless
- A lack of meaning to life
Our Services
Your care is our main concern

HIH Pain Management Department is led by well-trained medical staff members who are dedicated to reducing and eliminating pain. Our specialists provide the most advanced treatment approaches in a caring, and compassionate environment; so patients can get back to an active and productive lifestyle. Our Pain Management team’s goal is to reduce your level of pain and suffering, and to help you restore your functioning life reaching the maximum level of independence.
Treatment options
- Epidural steroid injections
Epidural corticosteroid injections are common methods, which are used to reduce inflammation of the nerve and disc. You might be a candidate to epidural steroid injections, if you experience severe pain resulting from disc herniation, bone spurs, thickening of the ligaments in the spine, joint cysts, or even abnormal alignment of the vertebrae. - Intrathecal programmable pump placement
Intrathecal programmable pump placement is an implanted medical device, which is used to provide relief to patients whose chronic pain caused by chronic and severe spasticity of spinal cord origin. The device works by delivering the medication directly into spinal fluid. - Temporary epidural catheter
The catheter is a temporary treatment method, which is used to deliver pain management medication for a defined period of time, often less than two weeks. - Gasserian ganglion block
This medical procedure places a dose of local anesthetics directly to the bundle of nerves that supply sensation to the face and scalp. It can be indicated for patients with some types of facial pain including trigeminal neuralgia and other syndromes of facial pain, as well as patients with pain caused by cancer. - Intravenous lidocaine infusion
An intravenous infusion of lidocaine and related medications might be indicated to help manage chronic neuropathic (nerve memory) pain. These include patients with acute spinal cord injury, polyneuropathy, or complex regional pain syndrome, as well as resistant central pain syndromes and cancer pain. - Psychological therapy
Pain can affect your level of productivity, and even your daily life. Psychological counseling, assessment and treatment can help individuals develop specific skills to cope pain and improve their quality of life. - Occipital nerve block
Occipital nerve block is an intravenous procedure which is used to deliver medication into the back of the head. - Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy approaches focuses on enabling you to return to work or a normal daily life. - Physical therapy
Physical therapy may include exercise plans, tissue manipulation, and other treatment methods, which are concerned with maximizing function in specific body parts to help reducing your pain. - Peripheral nerve block
Peripheral nerve block is one of the methods used to control acute pain for a long period from a couple of hours to a couple of days. - Medications
Medications are used to help patients participate more fully in pain management, and to return to their personal, and social activities by lowering the intensity of pain. - Hypogastric plexus block
This medical procedure is used to administer pain killing medication near the collection of nerves located near the lower part of your abdomen, to relieve chronic pelvic pain. - Intrathecal catheter placement
Intrathecal catheter placement is an implanted device which is used to administer pain management medication directly into the intrathecal space in the spine. - Implanted epidural portal
It is an implanted port, which is used to deliver pain medication into the epidural space of the spine. It is indicated for a long-term use. - Spinal cord stimulation
This procedure uses an electrical current to control chronic pain in the back, arms or legs by stimulating the spinal cord. - Brachial plexus block
This includes administering a dose of local anesthetic into the neck for treatment of chronic arm and shoulder pain.
What we treat
Do What it Takes to Start, To Have a Healthy Heart
- Arthritis
- Back Pain
- Cancer Pain
- Carpal Tunnel
- Pinched Nerve
- Chronic Pain
- Complex Regional Pain
- Degenerative Discs
- Diabetes Pain
- Spinal Arthritis
- Headaches
- Herniated Discs
- Muscle Injuries
- Myofascial Pain
- Neck Pain
- Neuropathy
- Mouth & Jaw Pain
- Osteoporosis
- Pain & Sex
- Nerve Damage
- Phantom Limb Pain
Information About The Clinic
To cut back your pain, improve your quality of life and to return to work. HIH pain clinic staff is committed to manage your chronic pain in a professional and caring way.
HIH Pain Management Center provides expert diagnosis and management for patients with acute and chronic pain. Our dedicated team reviews each patient’s case to ensure providing each patient with individualized treatment plan tailored to his condition and degree of pain, his needs. Our multidisciplinary team may include psychologists, anesthesiologists, physical therapists, spine surgeons, dietitians and nurses.
When you schedule your appointment, we will ask you to provide important information that will help us evaluate your current condition:
- Be prepared with the questions you want to ask
- Bring a notebook and pen, we encourage you to take notes
- If this is a follow up visit, you have to remember to write down the changes you have experienced since your last visit.
- All records that refer in any way to your condition
- A complete list of your medications
- All prior medical records, including x-ray films, biopsy reports, lab and/or pathology records
- Any necessary referrals or prior authorization required by your insurance company
Patients are generally seen by appointment, however if your situation is urgent, please inform our staff when you call or visit our around the clock Emergency Department. Every effort will be made to see you as soon as possible and the physician will be immediately notified to assess your needs.
Questions & Comments
If, after reading this leaflet, you still have questions, please do not hesitate to ask the Specialists or nurses in our unit. They will be happy to give you more information or arrange a meeting with the Consultant / Medical Director.
We would appreciate it if you could let us know whether you are satisfied with our care. For this purpose, a visitor’s book & patient satisfaction form is available in each of our departments. We would like you to write down your comments, experiences and/or suggestions for improvement, so that we can share this with our staff members. This input may help us to improve the service at the centre.
The Medical Director /patient & care provider service center can be reached on
01006625687 – 23520003 – 23521002 – 23520008 – 23521006 – 23521007 – 23520040
or via the e-mail address: