Department Introduction
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the ENT Department at Hassabo International Hospital. We consider it a privilege for choosing HIH to care for your health. Our physicians diagnose and treat all age groups ranging from infants and children to adults. With a customized approach for each patient, our specialists seek to provide personalized, compassionate, and attentive care. Our ENT staff works together as a team to provide optimum patient care. Our goal is to work together with you to offer you the best possible medical and surgical care available. We encourage you not to hesitate to contact us with your questions or concerns. Our staff is delighted to meet you!
Department Overview
What is ENT?
- It is abbreviation for ear, nose and throat. It is also called Otolaryngology and this branch is concerned with disorders and diseases of the ear, nose and throat, in addition to the head and neck.
- However, Otolaryngology began as a division of surgery, medical treatments may be the standard choice for many diseases.
What is an otolaryngologist?
ENT physicians are doctors trained and specialized in management of patients with problems of the ear, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck, this is approached by medical or surgical intervention according to the condition and the situation. As the ear, nose, and throat are vital sensory organs that are connected to one another. The treatment of their disorders demands focused expertise. So HIH’s ENT Department brings you ENT care backed by a team of highly qualified specialists, surgeons and audiologists who are opinion makers in their respective fields.
About Us
HIH ENT Department, offers comprehensive treatment and care for a wide variety of ENT ailment. Our dedicated staff of specialists at the department provides medicinal as well as surgical solutions to problems ranging from hearing loss and sleeping disorders to sinusitis, vertigo and voice impairments.
We provide a comprehensive range of ENT services, provided by a dedicated team of several consultants each having an area of specialism and expertise. What’s more, our goal is to not only treat you, but to educate you. We will educate you about your condition, what can be done to treat it and what can be done to prevent any further problems— all while following the latest guidelines and using the most advanced technology.
Know the warning signs
Do What it Takes to Start, To Have a Healthy Heart
When should I see an otolaryngologist?
ENT problems can cause annoying symptoms that range from mild symptoms as coughs, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and fever to severe complications such as hearing loss, and meningitis. So if you have any of the following symptoms, you should see an otolaryngologist.
Symptoms checklist
- Runny Nose
- Sore Throat
- Coughing/Sneezing
- Ear Pain
- Hearing Loss
- Snoring
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Airway Issues/Difficulty Breathing/Mouth Breathing
- Imbalance
- Sinus Pressure
- Tonsil or Adenoid Inflammation
- Ear Noise (Tinnitus)
- Bleeding per nose
- Thyroid Mass
- Nasal Congestion/Nasal Itching and Rubbing
- Dark Circles Under the Eyes
- Hoarseness of voice /Frequent Throat Clearing
- Loss of Sense of Smell and/or taste
Our services & what we treat
Some of the common ENT problems are throat infection, laryngitis ((larynx infection), sinusitis (air sinuses infection), hearing problems, nasal bleeding, vertigo, change of voice and ringing noise in the ears. Our entire staff ensures providing excellent care.
ENT Sub-specialties
Our ENT department offers a range of sub-specialties that includes:
- Otology & Neurotology
Hearing loss affects around 10% of the national population. It is a condition that can range from partial to profound. Hearing loss, if ignored, can intensify and not only increase communication problems, but may also have psychological effects. - Sinus, Nasal conditions and Nasal Endoscopic Surgery
In our Department, the surgeons are dedicated and well trained in the management of sinus disease and efficiently use technologies such as digital imaging, high-resolution scans, intraoperative surgical navigation and minimally-invasive endoscopic surgery to improve your sinus health.
In addition to management of sinus disease, our physicians are dedicated and professionals in the medical and surgical management of a variety of nasal disorders, including relief of nasal obstruction, such as correction of a deviated nasal septum, treatment of enlarged turbinates, management of nasal polyps & allergies. Our expert surgical team performs both simple nasal endoscopic procedures & removal of polyps, as well as complex surgeries and expert allergy management. - Head & Neck Disorders & Trauma
Our department offers expert care for a range of head & neck diseases and disorders. We have an experienced team of surgeons and doctors supported by state-of-the-art technology. - Paediatric Otolaryngology
We ensure providing a compassionate and specialized ear, nose and throat care for paediatric age groups (from new-borns through adolescence). Our ENT department staffed by professional surgeons have trained at some of the top children’s hospitals in the country and members who have completed specialized training in paediatric otolaryngology.
We focus on the medical and surgical management of wide range of ENT problems as paediatric obstructive sleep apnea, chronic otitis media (ear infections), tonsillitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis (sinus infection), as well as birth defects, development delays, congenital and acquired tumours in the head and neck along with less common problems with hearing loss are few conditions which are effectively treated. We also are well equipped to perform office-based evaluations of the paediatric airway and voice. - Laryngology, Voice & Swallowing
The larynx or ‘voice box’ plays a pivotal role in speech, eating and breathing. Our department provides expert treatment and management of laryngeal diseases & disorders. Our physicians have specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders and swallowing problems. Such procedures include esophagoscopy which is indicated in case of swallowing problems, taking a biopsy from laryngeal lesions and injection treatment of the paralyzed vocal cord. Laryngeal injections to relax a strangled voice also known as spasmodic dysphonia; and Micro Laryngeal surgeries for the removal of polyps and nodules from vocal cords and larynx, that can cause a very weak voice in cases of laryngeal papilloma’s, are few of the laryngeal diseases which are being diagnosed and treated at HIH. - Snoring & Sleep Apnoea
Snoring is not merely a disturbance to the person sleeping next to you; when it is accompanied by obstructive sleep apnoea, it can affect your sleep as well. Both these conditions can be indicators of greater health problems. - Coblation
Is a minimally invasive surgical technique that uses high frequency energy waves to remove unwanted soft tissue growths. It also reduces bleeding greatly. This technique greatly reduces the recovery time following nose, throat and laryngeal surgeries. This is extremely useful in the management of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea.
Our department specializes in medical & surgical treatment for conditions such as:
- Hearing loss – Otosclerosis/ Cochlear Implant surgeries
- Ear infections- CSOM
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Middle ear, inner ear and mastoid problems
- Balance disorders
- Nerve pain
Information About The Clinic
As the simple life experiences as smelling a rose, tasting an apple, talking on the phone are things we take for granted until they are interrupted! So, the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Department of Hassabo International Hospital works hard and is committed to helping you regain your vital senses.
Beginning with your first visit to our Department, we aim to focus on you and your health by investing time in your care. This is done through meticulous medical history taking, conduct thorough exams and effectively investigate and treat your condition. Whenever possible, your otolaryngologist will work with your primary care physician to determine the best course of action for your condition. Our goal is to help you manage your disease or disorder and provide you with the expert knowledge you need to get you back to feeling your best as quickly as possible.
When you schedule your appointment we will ask you to provide important information that will help us evaluate your current condition:
- Be prepared with questions you want to ask.
- Bring a notebook and pen, we encourage you to take notes.
- List of medications that you’re allergic to.
- All records that refer in any way to your condition.
- A complete list of your medications.
- All prior medical records, including x-ray films, biopsy reports, lab and/or pathology records
- Any necessary referrals or prior authorization required by your insurance company.
- If this is a follow up visit, you have to remember to write down the changes you have experienced since your last visit.
Patients are generally seen by appointment, however if your situation is urgent, please inform our staff when you call or visit our 24/7 Emergency Department. Every effort will be made to see you as soon as possible and the physician will be immediately notified to assess your needs.
Questions & Comments
If, after reading this guide, you still have questions, please do not hesitate to ask the Specialists or nurses in our unit. They will be happy to give you more information or arrange a meeting with the Consultant / Medical Director.
We would appreciate it if you could let us know whether you are satisfied with our care. For this purpose, a visitor’s book & patient satisfaction form is available in each of our departments. We would like you to write down your comments, experiences and/or suggestions for improvement, so that we can share this with our staff members. This input may help us to improve the service at the centre.
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